Tutorial: User Management

User Management

// Define search options as per https://api.teamdynamix.com/TDWebApi/Home/type/TeamDynamix.Api.Users.UserSearch
var searchParams = {
  IsActive: true,
  UserName: 'jsmith',
  MaxResults: 10

// Get users matching defined searched options
  .then(users => td.getUser(users[0].UID)) // Get the full user profile for the first user in results
  .then(user => {
    // Make some changes to the user
    user.LastName = "Smith";
    user.AlternateEmail = "jsmith@example.com";

    // Update the user with modified attributes
    return user.update();

// Users have a variety of utility functions to simplify API calls...

// Get a user's tickets from a ticketing app with ID 111
  .then(tickets => tickets[0].getFeedEntries)  // Get the feed entries for the first ticket
  .then(console.log)                           // Print returned entries to console

// Set a user to inactive
  .then(console.log)    // Check the response message to ensure user was updated