
Type Definitions


A set of filtering options used for searching accounts/departments.
Name Type Description
SearchText String The search text to use.
CustomAttributes Array.<CustomAttribute> The custom attributes to filter on.
MaxResults Array.<Number> The maximum number of records to return.


Name Type Description
BEID String The BEID.
WebServicesKey String The web services key.


Name Type Description
UserName String The username to authenticate as.
Password String The user's password.




An attachment.
Name Type Description
ID Guid The attachment ID.
AttachmentType Number The attachment type.
ItemID Number The item ID.
CreatedUid Guid The UID of the creator.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the creator.
CreatedDate Date The creation date.
Name String The file name.
Size Number The size of the attachment, in bytes.
Uri String The URI for this attachment.
ContentUri String The URI to retrieve the attachment content.




A single custom attribute.
Name Type Description
ID Number The attribute ID.
Name String The attribute name.
Order Number The order of the attribute. Attributes are first sorted by order (ascending) and their name (also ascending).
Description String The attribute description.
SectionID Number The ID of the associated attribute section.
SectionName String The name of the associated attribute section.
FieldType String The field type of the attribute.
DataType String The data type of the attribute.
Choices Array.<CustomAttributeChoice> The choices for the attribute.
IsRequired Boolean A value indicating whether the attribute is required.
IsUpdatable Boolean A value indicating whether the attribute is updatable.
Value String The value of the attribute.
ValueText String The text value of the attribute. For choice attributes, this will be a comma-separated list of all the currently selected choices (referenced by choice ID).
ChoicesText String The text of the selected choices. This will be a comma-separated list of the text of each selected choice.
AssociatedItemIDs Array.<Number> The list of all item types (represented as IDs) that are associated with the attribute.


A single choice for a custom attribute.
Name Type Description
ID Number The choice ID.
Name String The name of the choice. This doubles as the display text for the choice.
IsActive Boolean The active status of the choice.
DateCreated Date The date the choice was created.
DateModified Date The date the choice was last modified.
Order Number The order of the choice in the list. Choices are first sorted by order (ascending) and their name (also ascending).


A group containing any number of users.
Name Type Description
ID Number The group ID.
Name String The group name.
Description String The group description.
IsActive Boolean The group's active status.
CreatedDate Date The date/time the group was created.
ModifiedDate Date The date/time the group was last modified.


A set of filtering options used for searching groups.
Name Type Description
IsActive Boolean | null The active status to filter on.
NameLike String The string to use for LIKE-based filtering on the group name.
HasAppID Number | null The ID of the application to filter on. If specified, will only include groups with at least one active member who has been granted access to this application.
HasSystemAppName String The name of the system application to filter on. If specified, will only include groups with at least one active member who has been granted access to this application.


A 128-bit integer Number that represents a unique identifier


A feed entry that has already been posted
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID of the feed entry.
CreatedUid Guid The UID of the creator.
CreatedRefID Number The integer based ID of the creator.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the creator.
CreatedFirstName String The first name of the creator.
CreatedLastName String The last name of the creator.
CreatedByPicPath String The path to the creator's profile picture.
CreatedDate Date The creation date of the feed entry.
LastUpdatedDate Date The date the feed entry was last updated. Replying to this feed entry will update this date.
ProjectID Number The ID of the associated project.
ProjectName String The name of the associated project.
PlanID Number The ID of the associated plan or ticket.
PlanName String The name of the associated plan or ticket.
ItemType Number The item type.
ItemID Number The item ID.
ItemTitle String The item title.
ReferenceID Guid | null The reference ID. This value is used when the associated item is normally referred to by a GUID.
Body String The body of the feed entry.
UpdateType Number The type of the feed entry.
NotifiedList String The list of notified people.
IsPrivate Boolean A value indicating whether this feed entry is private.
IsParent Boolean A value indicating whether this feed entry is a parent for other feed entries.
Replies Array.<Object> The replies to this feed entry.
RepliesCount Number The number of replies to this feed entry.
Likes Array.<ItemUpdateLike> The likes for this feed entry.
ILike Boolean A value indicating whether the current user "liked" this feed entry.
LikesCount Number The number of likes for this feed entry.
Participants Array.<Object> The participants. This list consists of the person who is responsible for the original feed entry as well as any other individuals who have replied to it.
BreadcrumbsHtml String The breadcrumbs HTML. This is not loaded from the databse; it is used purely for the purpose of sending HTML to the client for rendering breadcrumbs, and should not be populated by the calling application.
HasAttachment Boolean A value indicating whether this instance has an attachment.


A "like" of a feed entry
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID of the "like"
UserFullName String The full name of the person making the "like"
Uid Guid The UID of the person making the "like"


A reply to a feed entry
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID of the reply
Body String The body of the reply
CreatedUid Guid The UID of the person making the reply
CreatedFullName String The full name of the person making the reply
CreatedDate Date The date of the reply


A room at a location.
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID.
Name String The name.
ExternalID String The external identifier for the room.
AssetsCount Number The number of assets associated with this room.
TicketsCount Number The number of tickets associated with this room.
CreatedDate Date The created date.
CreatedUID Guid The UID of the creator.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the creator.








A participant in a feed discussion
Name Type Description
FullName String The full name of the participant
Email String The email address of the participant


A single person, group, or account/department.
Name Type Description
ItemRole String The role this person or group has on the associated item.
Name String The name of this person or group.
Initials String The initials to be displayed if no profile image is specified for the item.
Value String The value of the item.
RefValue Number The reference value.
ProfileImageFileName String The profile image file name.


A security role for any number of users. Security roles are essentially a license type and a set of permissions that can be granted to users.
Name Type Description
ID Guid The ID of the security role.
Name String The name of the security role.
CreatedDate Date The created date.
ModifiedDate Date The modified date.
UserCount Number The number of users who have the security role.
AppID Number The ID of the associated application, or 0 if this is a top-level security role.
Permissions Array.<String> The permissions granted to users with this security role.
LicenseType Number The license type of the security role.
LicenseTypeName String The name of the license type of the security role.


A set of filtering options used for searching functional roles.
Name Type Description
NameLike String The security role name to perform LIKE-based filtering on.
AppID Number The application ID to filter on.
LicenseTypeID Number | null The license type ID to filter on.




Name Type Description
baseUrl String The base URL of your TeamDynamix API (i.e.
credentials APIUser | AdminUser The API User or Admin User to authenticate as.


Options for ticket creation.
Name Type Description
EnableNotifyReviewer Boolean A value indicating whether the reviewer notification should be enabled. Even if this value is true, the reviewer will not necessarily be notified unless it is explicity specified on the ticket's type.
NotifyRequestor Boolean A value indicating whether the requestor should be notified.
NotifyResponsible Boolean A value indicating whether the responsible resource(s) should be notified.
AutoAssignResponsibility Boolean A value indicating whether the ticket's responsibility should be auto-assigned based on the type.
AllowRequestorCreation Boolean A value indicating whether a requestor should be created if an existing person with machine information cannot be found.


A feed entry for a Ticket
Name Type Description
NewStatusID Number | null The new status ID. Leave null or 0 to not change the status.
IsPrivate Boolean A value indicating whether this feed entry is private.
Comments String The comments of the feed entry.
Notify Array.<String> The individuals to notify.


A set of filtering options used for searching tickets.
Name Type Description
TicketClassification Number The maximum number of results to return, or 0 for no limit.
TicketID Number | null The ticket ID to filter on.
ParentTicketID Number | null The parent ticket ID to filter on.
SearchText String The search text to use. Search text will incorporate the title, description, custom attribute text, reference code, and the text of any feed items.
StatusIDs Array.<Number> The status IDs to filter on.
PastStatusIDs Array.<Number> The historical status IDs to filter on.
StatusClassIDs Array.<Number> The status class IDs to filter on.
PriorityIDs Array.<Number> The priorty IDs to filter on.
UrgencyIDs Array.<Number> The urgency IDs to filter on.
ImpactIDs Array.<Number> The impact IDs to filter on.
AccountIDs Array.<Number> The account/department IDs to filter on.
TypeIDs Array.<Number> The ticket type IDs to filter on.
SourceIDs Array.<Number> The source IDs to filter on.
UpdatedDateFrom Date | null The minimum updated date to filter on. Only tickets that have status changes within the range specified by this value and UpdatedDateTo (and optionally, only by UpdatedByUid) will be included.
UpdatedDateTo Date | null The maximum updated date to filter on. Only tickets that have status changes within the range specified by this value and UpdatedDateFrom (and optionally, only by UpdatedByUid) will be included.
UpdatedByUid Guid | null The UID of the updating person to filter on. Only tickets that have status changes by this person (and optionally, only within the date range specified by UpdatedDateFrom and UpdatedDateTo) will be included.
ModifiedDateFrom Date | null The minimum last modified date to filter on.
ModifiedDateTo Date | null The maximum last modified date to filter on.
ModifiedByUid Guid | null The UID of the person who last modified a ticket to filter on.
StartDateFrom Date | null The minimum start date to filter on.
StartDateTo Date | null The maximum start date to filter on.
EndDateFrom Date | null The minimum end date to filter on.
EndDateTo Date | null The maximum end date to filter on.
RespondedDateFrom Date | null The minimum responded date to filter on.
RespondedDateTo Date | null The maximum responded date to filter on.
RespondedByUid Guid | null The UID of the responding person to filter on,
ClosedDateFrom Date | null The minimum closed date to filter on.
ClosedDateTo Date | null The maximum closed date to filter on.
ClosedByUid Guid | null The UID of the closing person to filter on.
RespondByDateFrom Date | null The minimum "respond by" deadline to filter on.
RespondByDateTo Date | null The maximum "respond by" deadline to filter on.
CloseByDateFrom Date | null The minimum SLA "resolve by" deadline to filter on.
CloseByDateTo Date | null The maximum SLA "resolve by" deadline to filter on.
CreatedDateFrom Date | null The minimum created date to filter on.
CreatedDateTo Date | null The maximum created date to filter on.
CreatedByUid Guid | null The UID of the creator to filter on.
DaysOldFrom Number | null The minimum age to filter on.
DaysOldTo Number | null The maximum age to filter on.
ResponsibilityUids Array.<Guid> The UIDs of the responsible individuals to filter on. This differs from PrimaryResponsibilityUids in that it includes responsibility from ticket tasks.
ResponsibilityGroupIDs Array.<Number> The IDs of the responsible groups to filter on. This differs from PrimaryResponsibilityGroupIDs in that it includes responsibility from ticket tasks.
CompletedTaskResponsibilityFilter Boolean | null The filter to use for ResponsibilityUids and ResponsibilityGroupIDs with regards to ticket tasks.
PrimaryResponsibilityUids Array.<Guid> The UIDs of the primarily-responsible individuals to filter on.
PrimaryResponsibilityGroupIDs Array.<Number> The primarily-responsible group IDs to filter on.
SlaIDs Array.<Number> The SLA IDs to filter on.
SlaViolationStatus Boolean | null The SLA violation status to filter on. A value of true indicates that only tickets with violated SLAs should be included, whereas a value of false indicates that only tickets without a violated SLA (including no SLA) should be included.
SlaUnmetConstraints Number The unmet SLA deadlines to filter on.
KBArticleIDs Array.<Number> The knowledge base article IDs to filter on.
AssignmentStatus Boolean | null The assignment status to filter on. A value of true indicates that only tickets assigned to individuals should be included, whereas a value of false indicates that only tickets not assigned to an individual should be included.
ConvertedToTask Boolean | null The task conversion status to filter on. A value of true indicates that only tickets converted to project asks should be included, whereas a value of false indicates that only tickets not converted to a project task should be included.
ReviewerUid Guid | null The UID of the reviewing person to filter on. This will include any groups that the reviews belongs to.
SubmitterUid Guid | null The UID of the submitting person to filter on. Searching for a "submitter" will include any tickets that the person has created and/or requested.
UserAccountsUid Guid | null The UID of the person to filter on for submission or assocaited accounts/departments. This will return any tikets for which the person is the "submitter", in addition to any tickets that are associated with an account/department that has been explicitly assigned to the person.
UserGroupsUid Guid | null The UID of the person to filter on for group responsibility. This will return any tickets for which one of the person's groups is primarily responsible.
RequestorUids Array.<Guid> The requestor UIDs to filter on.
RequestorNameSearch String The text to perform a LIKE/"contains" search on the requestor's full name.
RequestorEmailSearch String The text to perform a LIKE/"contains" search on the requestor's email address.
RequestorPhoneSearch String The text to perform a LIKE/"contains" search on the requestor's phone number.
ConfigurationItemIDs Array.<Number> The IDs of the associated CIs to filter on. To be included in the search results, a ticket must be associated with one or more of the listed CIs.
ExcludeConfigurationItemIDs Array.<Number> The IDs of the associated CIs to exclude on. To be included in the search results, a ticket must NOT be associated with any of the listed CIs.
IsOnHold Boolean | null The "on hold" status to filter on.
GoesOffHoldFrom Date | null The minimum "goes off hold" date to filter on.
GoldOffHoldTo Date | null The maximum "goes off hold" date to filter on.
LocationIDs Array.<Number> The location IDs to filter on.
LocationRoomIDs Array.<Number> The location room IDs to filter on.
ServiceIDs Array.<Number> The associated service IDs to filter on.
CustomAttributes Array.<CustomAttribute> The custom attributes to filter on.
HasReferenceCode Boolean | null Sets whether or not the returned tickets should have a reference code.


A ticket status.
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID of the ticket status.
AppID Number The ID of the containing application.
AppName String The name of the containing application.
Name String The status name.
Description String The status description.
Order Number The order of the status when displayed in a list.
StatusClass Number The status class.
IsActive Boolean A value indicating whether the status is active.
IsDefault Boolean A value indicating whether this status is the default for the application.


A ticket task or activity.
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID of the task.
TicketID Number The ID of the associated ticket.
Title String The title.
Description String The description.
IsActive Boolean A value indicating whether this task is active. Tasks are inactive if their predecessor task has not been completed.
StartDate Date | null The start date.
EndDate Date | null The end date.
CompleteWithinMinutes Number | null The expected duration, in minutes, of the task. This value is in operational minutes, and so operational hours, weekends, and days off are all taken into account.
EstimatedMinutes Number The estimated minutes.
ActualMinutes Number The time, in minutes, entered against the task/activity.
PercentComplete Number The percent complete.
CreatedDate Date The created date.
CreatedUid Guid The UID of the creator.
CreatedFullName String The full name of the creator.
CreatedEmail String The email address of the creator.
ModifiedDate Date The last modified date.
ModifiedUid Guid The UID of the last person to modify the task.
ModifiedFullName String The full name of the last person to modify the task.
CompletedDate Date The completed date.
CompletedUid Guid | null The UID of the person who completed the task.
CompletedFullName String The full name of the person who completed the task.
ResponsibleUid Guid | null The UID of the responsible person.
ResponsibleFullName String The full name of the responsible person,
ResponsibleEmail String The email address of the responsible person.
ResponsibleGroupID Number The ID of the responsible group.
ResponsibleGroupName String The name of the responsible group.
PredecessorID Number The ID of the predecessor task.
PredecessorTitle String The title of the predecessor task.
Order Number The order in which the task should be displayed in the list of the ticket's tasks/activities.
TypeID Number The type ID. This indicates if this is a regular ticket task, a scheduled maintenance activity, or something else.
DetectedConflictCount Number The total number of detected conflicts for this task/maintenance activity.
DetectedConflictTypes Number The types of detected conflicts for this task/maintenance activity.
LastConflictScanDateUtc Date The UTC date/time this task/activity was last scanned for conflicts.


A ticket type.
Name Type Description
ID Number The ID of the ticket type.
AppID Number The ID of the containing application.
AppName String The name of the containing application.
Name String The ticket type name.
Description String The ticket type description.
CategoryID Number The ID of the containing category.
CategoryName String The name of the containing category.
FullName String The full name of the type, which includes the type category.
IsActive Boolean A value indicating whether the ticket type is active.
ReviewerUid Guid | null The UID of the reviewing person.
ReviewerFullName String The full name of the reviewing person.
ReviewerEmail String The email address of the reviewing person.
ReviewingGroupID Number The ID of the reviewing group.
ReviewingGroupName String The name of the reviewing group.
NotifyReviewer Boolean A value indicating whether the reviewing resource(s) (and other addresses, if specified) should be notified of any new tickets that are created with this type (or later changed to this type).
OtherNotificationEmailAddresses String The other email addresses to notify of incoming tickets when the reviewer notification is enabled.
DefaultSLAID Number The ID of the default SLA to use when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultSLAName String The name of the default SLA to use when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultSLAIsActive Boolean The active status of the default SLA to use when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultTaskTemplateID Number The ID of the default task template to use when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultTaskTemplateName String The name of the default task template to use when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultTaskTemplateIsActive Boolean The active status of the default task template to use when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultResponsibleUid Guid | null The UID of the default person to assign when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultResponsibleFullName String The full name of the default person to assign when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultResponsibleGroupID Number The ID of the default group to assign when tickets are created with this type.
DefaultResponsibleGroupName String The name of the default group to assign when tickets are created with this type.
WorkspaceID Number The ID of the associated workspace.
WorkspaceName String The name of the associated workspace.


A set of parameters designed to allow for setting the membership of users in Accounts.
Name Type Description
UserUids Array.<Guid> Gets or sets the collection of user UIDs to add to the groups provided in GroupIDs.
AccountIDs Array.<Int32> Gets or sets the collection of group IDs that users provided in UserUIDs will be added to.
ReplaceExistingAccounts Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether groups that provided users already belong to should be removed.


A set of parameters designed to allow for setting the membership of users in Applications.
Name Type Description
UserUids Array.<Guid> Gets or sets the user UIDs to add to the applications provided in Application Names.
ApplicationNames Array.<String> Gets or sets the application names to add the users provided in userUIDs to.
ReplaceExistingApplications Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether applications that provided users already belong to should be removed.


A set of parameters designed to allow for setting the membership of users in Groups.
Name Type Description
UserUIDs Array.<Guid> Gets or sets the collection of user UIDs to add to the groups provided in GroupIDs.
GroupIDs Array.<Int32> Gets or sets the collection of group IDs that users provided in UserUIDs will be added to.
RemoveOtherGroups Boolean Gets or sets a value indicating whether groups that provided users already belong to should be removed.


A set of filtering options used for searching users.
Name Type Description
SearchText String The search text to perform LIKE-based filtering on.
IsActive Boolean | null The active status to filter on.
IsEmployee Boolean | null The employee status to filter on.
AppName String The name of the application to filter on. If specified, will only include users who have been granted access to this application.
AccountID Number | null The account ID to filter on. If specified, will only include users who list the account as their default.
MaxResults Number | null The maximum number of records to return.
ReferenceIDs Array.<Number> The reference IDs to filter on.
ExternalID String The external ID to filter on.
AlternateID String The alternate ID to filter on.
UserName String The username to filter on.
SecurityRoleID Guid | null The security role ID to filter on. If specified, will only include users who have this security role.